Investment Strategies

How To Calculate Dividend Yield (Excel Calculator)

How To Calculate Dividend Yield (Excel Calculator)

Ever felt like dividend yield and payout ratio are some sort of finance jargon that only Wall Street whizzes can comprehend? Well, not anymore! Join me as we embark on a light-hearted yet informative journey through the world of dividends. You’ll learn how to calculate these key metrics with step-by-step guides and real-life examples, all while feeling like you’re having a chat over coffee.

The Easy Guide To Reading Financial Statements

The Easy Guide To Reading Financial Statements

Reading a financial statement is like reading a book about your business’s financial story. It involves understanding the three main components: the income statement, the balance sheet, and the cash flow statement. The income statement tells you how much profit (or loss) you’ve made over a period, the balance sheet shows what you own (assets) and owe (liabilities), and the cash flow statement tracks your cash inflow and outflow.

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